
6 Ways to Make Your Child’s Valentine’s Day Special

When you become a parent, two things happen: Valentine’s Day is suddenly about showing your kids how much you love them, and you always have a Valentine. So how do you tell this little love of yours just how much you care? Here are a few easy ways to make Valentine’s Day special, whether your kiddo is 3 or 14.

Credit: Dollar Photo Club
Credit: Dollar Photo Club

Plan an Activity

Check out your local deal sites for a fun hands-on activity like ceramic making or painting, or plan a fun picnic, beach day, hike, or movie day. If you have more than one child, have each parent take the kids for some one-on-one time to the movies, golfing or something fun your child would enjoy.

Leave a Trail

Similar to how the Easter Bunny used leaves a jelly bean trail to the Easter basket, make a trail to a big surprise for your little one. Possible scenarios: A treasure map with clues until they reach the “treasure,” small matchbox cars leading the kiddo to the main gift, A trail of guitar picks leading to a new guitar case, Sweethearts candies leading to a surprise, a dressed up pet leads the her to the surprise. The big gift can be anything from a visiting family member she doesn’t get to see often to her favorite activity or dessert. You can give her a gift she’s been wanting too, but something you can do together is best.

Bake Something Special

Start a Valentine’s Day cookie tradition, or find another special item to bake just for Valentine’s Day. It will become an annual event that your child looks forward to. It may be a good time to make friendship bread, too!

Give a Card  . . . Or Two

If you’re family loves stationary and fonts, create a few one-of-a-kind cards with words of love and support for your teen (or younger kiddo) to find throughout the day. You may need help from a classmate or friend to sneak a card into your child’s locker or lunch. Have fun and get creative with the places you can find the card! If you would like, have the cards find your child all day at school on Friday then a few more at home on Saturday, until she’s surprised by flowers in her room.

Share Some Flowers

Use the day of love as a teaching moment! Take your child with you to pick flowers and use that as an opportunity to discuss when it is or isn’t OK to do so. Talk about nature and the types of plants/flowers. Make several flower bouquets, then take her to a local nunnery, nursing home or women’s shelter.

Surprise With Flowers

Not only do they smell lovely, but flowers can light up both a room and someone’s day. Pick or buy and arrange your own floral bouquet then leave it in your child’s room with a Valentine’s Day letter/card. (Tip: It’s cheaper to make your own bouquet and choose your own arrangement. I go to Safeway to pick my flowers and they usually give me ribbon to wrap it all up, free of charge.)

Did these ideas help get your Valentine’s Day plans underway? Share which is your favorite, or if you have more ideas, comment below!

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