Navigating Parenthood RESOURCES

Resource Library

Freebies + Offers + RESOURCES

Whether you’re looking for a specialist or some cute week-by-week photo cards, this is the place to see it all. Enjoy your downloads and don’t forget to tag us when you use them!

note: This page was created to share resources that might be helpful and in no way means we endorse these providers or services. Unless otherwise specified, these providers are available throughout the U.S.

Looking for local resources in Central Valley California? Click here.

Mental Health

Postpartum Support International — PSI’s different virtual support groups for moms, partners, and marginalized families of color aim to offer a supportive community (important while awaiting your therapy appointment too). Families can call a hotline or warmline and also get help finding a trained provider that fits their needs.

National Suicide Prevention Hotline — 


2020Mom — Learn more about perinatal mental health, the statistics, and get involved.

Check on Mom —This is a newer site created by a mental health medicine but looks like it has some neat worksheets and lists for families to ensure the new family is supported and overall mental health signs are looked out for.

Airway Health/Oral Ties

The Breathe Institute — Helpful information and resources & services about airway health and the oral tie connection. Patients are seen virtually and in California.

Bobby Ghaheri, MD — One of the leading ENTs in oral tie research and advocacy. He shares a lot of great insight on his website and Facebook.

The Whole Care Toolkit — Summit replays with experts covering bodywork, airway health, and more.

Meal Trains & Delivery

Chiyo — Pregnancy and postpartum meals created with specific nutrition in mind using traditional food medicine. Save $75 off your first 6-week meal service with code NPCC75.

Mama Meal — Send meals made specifically for nourishing the postpartum family. Save $20 off $200 with cod np20

See full article on meal delivery options HERE

Meal Train — Easily organize meals for friends.

Give InKind — Meal delivery and other helpful support coordination.

Take Them a Meal — Meal delivery scheduler and coordination.

Lactation & Feeding Support

Navigating Parenthood — As a breastfeeding specialist trained in infant frenectomy protocol, baby-led sleep & well-being, advanced infant CST and infant massage and communication, I can help you plan for your feeding journey while expecting as well as support you in postpartum and the toddler years.

Rue the Boob Boss — Rue, ARNP & IBCLC, is a mama and has been a part of several Navigating Parenthood events as our lactation expert. She can take insurance and see families in person in Oakland or virtually.

Mother’s Milk Bank — Receive or donate milk.

HumanMilk4HumanBabies — Find your local chapter via Facebook to donate or receive breastmilk.

First Droplets — Free learning resources and videos.

Milk Stork — Safely ship and preserve breastmilk.

The 12 Days of Breastfeeding Summit Replays — This virtual program is your breastfeeding and pumping 101 class in an on-demand format! Learn about the first few days postpartum, breastfeeding positions, latch, self-advocacy, laws, and going back to work.

Provider Search Sites

Mahmee — Find a health professional in your area or work with one virtually using their provider search. Share notes across your care team in a secure environment.

NewMom.Me — Search from a wide range of California-based health professionals and other providers.

DoulaMatch — Search for daytime and nighttime doulas in your area.

TotSquad — Find a lactation professional, car seat tech, sleep expert, or nutritionist in your area (or virtually) using their provider search.

Recs & Offers