Free Trial of The Best Milk For Your Dairy Sensitivity
When you become a mom or dad a lot of new changes happen, like dairy sensitivity. Suddenly ice cream just isn’t worth the stomach aches and pain you experience afterwards and even your littles can experience horrible tummy aches as a result of the milk you’re drinking. Sound familiar? Keep reading for more info on the milk you should be trying, and why.
This post was sponsored by a2 Milk® as part of an Ambassador Program for Influence Central. I received complimentary products to facilitate my review.
Back in February, I shared a little bit of info about my partnership with a2 Milk Company™ as an a2 Milk® ambassador and why I’m so excited about this New Zealand company making its way to the U.S. Did you know 1 in 4 Americans have discomfort from drinking milk but only 5-7% are actually clinically diagnosed with a dairy allergy? So why is cow’s milk suddenly bothering so many of us? Scientist Dr. Corran McLachlan and his business partner Howard Patterson discovered in 2000 that cows naturally produce different types of milk proteins, which affect people differently! Our milk used to have the protein A2, but now most cows in the U.S. are actually only producing milk with an A1 protein. Their studies showed that all these dairy problems may be linked to the A1 protein now appearing in cows due to over-production and genetic modification of their milk! So a2 Milk Company™ was created using specially selected cows that only produce the A2 protein, and it’s been a success in Europe and has finally made its’ way to the U.S.
a2 Milk Company™ has partnered with U.S. family dairy farmers in upstate New York and the Midwest to expand the A2 herd since A2 cows naturally produce milk free from the A1 protein. These farmers are certified in the humane treatment of animals and the cows are never given hormones, rBST or a non-vegetarian diet. If you’re having tummy troubles when drinking your regular milk now and you’ve already seen a doctor (that has stated that you don’t have Galactosaemia, lactose intolerance or cow’s milk allergy) then try doing an a2 Milk® taste test to see if it changes the way you feel about dairy— They’re offering Savvy Every Day readers the chance to earn FREE a2 Milk® through a receipt-redemption offer, as well as the chance for to win a trip to Australia courtesy of a2 Milk® (ENTER HERE)!
I’ve tried both the 2% and fat-free a2 Milk® from my local natural foods store so far (there’s also whole milk) and both are a huge hit with my kiddo, and my stomach isn’t super uncomfortable afterward! Give a2 Milk® a try in your preferred milk type and let me know how it works for you! I’ve heard great things so far from other parents. Oh, don’t forget to enter to win a trip to Australia and earn free milk, too!
*This post is not meant to be medical advice and should not replace a visit to your doctor. Please check with your doctor if you are experiencing sensitivity or stomach problems first. a2 Milk® is not meant for persons medically diagnosed with Galactosaemia, lactose intolerance or cows’ milk allergy.