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An Easy Way to Digitize Your Child’s Medical History: Kinsights (Plus $50 Amazon Gift Card Giveaway)

Trying to remember the last info from baby’s doctor’s visit isn’t always simple, and tracking down that slip of paper or getting a moment to call into the medical office isn’t easily done when you’re a new mom, either. Finding ways to keep track of milestones, get valuable advice and stay organized with a baby in tow is tough, so I’m excited to share a bit of info about a helpful website called Kinsights, and their $50 Amazon gift card giveaway.

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Kinsights is a free online pediatric personal health record keeper that allows parents to log on and track all of their child’s health information (and even send it electronically to an ER or out-of-town doctor if needed). Organize your child’s developmental milestones, immunizations, medications, and allergies in one place, without the excessive amount of paper.

Like to gab about your little muffin, or ask advice from other parents who have been there? Kinsights consists of a parenting community where you can ask parenting questions and share advice with the larger group, or within a smaller group consisting of a particular interest/topic like potty training, single parenting, grandparents, and kiddo fashion. The best answers to questions get pushed to the top through votes so that you can find the information that’s most relevant and useful. I wish I knew about this site when my daughter was a baby, but I can still use it for handy info tracking and the helpful parent forum now, too.


Have you used Kinsights before? I’d love to hear your thoughts about the site. If you’ve never tried it, sign up via the Rafflecopter link below and you’ll be entered to win a $50 Amazon gift card!

$50 Amazon Gift Card From Kinsights

Kinsights is giving one lucky reader a $50 Amazon gift card. Reader must be 18 years or older and U.S. resident to win. No compensation was given to Savvy Every Day (this isn’t a sponsored post). All opinions are my own.

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