Solving Bedwetting With the Chummie System
Bedwetting doesn’t always stop after a child is potty trained, in fact it can sometimes (intermittently) last into the teen years! Though it may be frustrating, blaming your child or putting pressure on him only aggravates the situation, and hurts your child. It’s important to remember that parenting shouldn’t be a competition — every kid hits milestones differently — and that there are a variety of possible causes for bed wetting, as well as solutions. Keep reading for a look at a few common causes and a great solution called Chummie, a bedwetting treatment system.
Some Reasons Kids Wet the Bed
Though this list is not exhaustive, it includes a few common reasons for bedwetting. Not all will apply to your child, so read through them all to see which one may be the right fit, or check out a few until you find one that could be the source of your child’s bedwetting.
Still Learning: Potty training is done in several steps, so even though your daughter has mastered using the restroom on her own during the day, nighttime can often be a whole other form of potty learning for her. Some children learn day and night training at the same time, but most need to learn one first, then the other. Either way, kids have accidents sometimes, too.
Stress: If your child is overly stressed or worried about something it can disrupt their sleep, and cause them to slide back into old behaviors — be supportive and things will get back on track when your child is ready.
Skipped Potty Time: If your child fell asleep before trying to use the potty anywhere from an hour to just before bedtime, it’s a bit more likely that they may wet the bed. It’s often advised that kiddos learning to stay dry at night don’t drink a large amount of fluids just before going to bed as well.
Genetics: It’s said that if you wet the bed as a child then it’s far more likely that your child will also be prone to bedwetting.
Constipation: There have been several articles (here, here and here for instance) about how constipation is linked to bedwetting. This is certainly an important option to look into if you find that some of the other possible reasons don’t fit.
A Few Bedwetting Solutions to Try
Because there are so many reasons that kids wet the bed, there area also many different steps you can take to stop or prevent bedwetting. Getting a mattress protector is definitely important during training, along with using some of these other suggestions. If your child is regressing, having trouble waking up to use the restroom at night or is already undergoing treatment for constipation, using a bedwetting alarm like Chummie Elite ($80) is a great option for supporting the process of these other nighttime training solutions. Alarms are highly suggested for kids ages 7 and up, but can be used starting at age 4 (I’ve spoken to several parents who have used it with kids as young as 4, too).
- Make sure your child is receiving a balanced diet
- Check with your doctor to see if constipation may be a cause, and seek treatment
- Limit liquids just before bedtime
- Reduce stress in your child’s life
- If there are a lot of changes happening in the family postpone training until things have settled down
If you decide to test out a bedwetting alarm, know that the Chummie alarm is compact enough for trips, lightweight and has an IntelliFlex Sensor that detects wetting with the very first drop. It’s really cute how Chummie systems come in different styles and offer a variety of sounds for the alarm, and I of course like that they offer a recycling program for retired or used systems.
The Chummie system is said to take up to 15 weeks for best results, but again, I’ve heard from parents who have had tried everything for their child’s bedwetting then found success with an alarm after just a month. It really depends on your child, but it’s so great to hear that it’s safe and effective from parents who have used one, and see the positive Amazon product reviews.
I received a Chummie Elite system in the mail for this post and it was super simple to set up, lightweight and visually appealing. The system comes with everything you need to get started (except the kid and a mattress protector) and saves so much time and money doing laundry, going through pull-ups. Simply tape the sensor onto your child’s underwear then clip the alarm onto your child’s shirt. If the strip senses a drop of wetness, the alarm tone or vibration that you set it to will go off and notify your child to use the restroom. I tried it out for a bit and since my daughter stays fairly dry at night the alarm didn’t need to go off. It wasn’t uncomfortable for her to sleep with, and I think this is a super valuable product for families dealing with bedwetting to try.
Have you ever used a bedwetting alarm?
This post does not substitute speaking with a medical professional and should not be taken as medical advice. This is a sponsored post. To learn more about Chummie visit them on Facebook, here.