Making It an Eco-Friendly Christmas
Happy Christmas Eve, everyone! With all the excitement of the holiday, we can easily forget to be “green,” so I’ve put together a list of very simple ways to keep our World kinda majestic (like this castle), and less like trash. Enjoy.
Christmas Present Wrapping
1. Opt for recycled paper, or wrapping with the kids’ artwork. Use as little reusable items as possible.
2. Gift presents in bags that could be used for any holiday or occasion (plain blue or red, or a basic design on them). This way, your recipient can reuse them (or you can take the bag back and reuse it if they are just going to throw it out).
3. Choose gifts with minimal packaging. If it has a lot, try to discard responsibly via programs through your local community, YMCA, Boy Scouts, or TerraCycle.
Christmas Present Unwrappping
1. When you open presents, try not to slash through them. Open carefully so that items can be reused. This will also save you the agony of possibly tearing through a check or cash.
2. Fold up your any gift bags and tissue paper (that look in good condition) that you get to use in the future. (I keep a bin in the garage filled with gift packaging.It saves Earth, animals, my budget, and keeps me prepared for last-minute special occasions).
3. Save the bows from your presents. With a bit of help from a piece of tape, they can be reused next Christmas, or even birthday.
4. Recycle all paper items that aren’t in good enough shape to be reused (paper, boxes, tissue paper, bags).
5. Use real plates and wash them. Paper and other such disposable plates are not helping your trash can, or the wildlife.
6. If a gift is replacing an old item, don’t just trash it. Businesses collect used glasses, phones, and other items for those in need year-round. You could also sell an item for cheap to someone who could use it, donate the item, or turn it in to a recycling program. Some electronic recycling programs will pick up items free on select dates. Look into it and be sure you aren’t just throwing out items that should be properly recycled or “trashed” another way to make the World safe.